Saturday, July 28, 2012

What's this all about?

Hello, Internet.

My name is Joe Walker.

You might be asking yourself “Who are you, Joe Walker?”
or maybe “why do I care who you are, Joe Walker?”
Both of those questions are extremely valid.  Actually, I’ve been asking myself those questions for 40 years and I think I’m finally starting to figure out. 

One year ago, I weighed 340 pounds.  I was drowning in addiction. 
I had given up on my life.  Utterly and completely hopeless in every way.
Then something changed.  Actually a lot of things changed for the better.

This blog is about my journey to become a better version of me. 
Spiritually, physically, emotionally, relationally.

I don’t have all the answers.  I used to think I knew it all but the older I get the more I realize how little I know and how much I have yet to learn.  I’ve learned a lot from other people’s stories of victories and failures.  I feel like I can help somebody by sharing my journey.  I’m not looking for attention, compliments or accolades.  I just know that nothing is hopeless.  I know that now and maybe somebody else can realize that for themselves by reading this blog.

So, let's go for a ride and see where it takes us.  Maybe we can learn something from each other.

God bless!

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